5113. Security featuresAccess codes overviewAccess codes consist of the lock code and security code.When you get your phone, you should change these codesfrom their defaults, write down the new codes, and keepthem in a safe place away from the phone. Avoid usingaccess codes that are similar to emergency numbers, such as911, to prevent accidental dialing of the emergency number.Lock codeYour phone’s lock code is used to lock and unlock yourphone. The default lock code is 1234. Use 0HQX 4 3 2 3 tochange the lock code.When the phone requires the lock code, it displays (QWHUORFN FRGH= Enter the code, then press 2..If you enter a wrong lock code five times in succession, yourphone prompts you for the security code.Security codeThe security code is required to restrict calls and to restorefactory settings. The default security code is 12345. Use0HQX 4 3 2 4 to change the security code.When the phone requires the security code, it displays6HFXULW\ FRGH= Enter the code, then press 2..If you enter an incorrect security code five times insuccession, the phone will not accept any input for the nextfive minutes.Restricting callsUse 0HQX 4 3 1 to restrict outgoing or incoming calls. This ishandy if you want to lend your phone to someone but don’twant them to make long-distance or other expensive calls.