C o n t a c t sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 29To search for an ID from the server ofyour service provider if you haveconnected to the presence service,select User ID > Search. See ”Mypresence” p. 30. If only one ID isfound, it is automatically saved.Otherwise, to save the ID, selectOptions > Save. To enter the ID,select Enter ID manually.■ Copy contactsSearch for the contact you want tocopy, and select Contacts > Copy.You can copy names and phonenumbers from the phone contactmemory to the SIM card memory orvice versa. The SIM card memory cansave names with one phone numberattached to them.■ Edit contact details1. Search for the contact you wantto edit, select Details, and scrollto the desired name, number, textitem, or image.2. To edit a name, number, or textitem, or to change an image,select Options > Edit name, Editnumber, Edit detail, or Changeimage.You cannot edit an ID when it ison the IM contacts or Subscribednames list.■ Delete contacts orcontact detailsTo delete a contact, search for thedesired contact, and selectOptions > Delete.To delete a number, text item, or animage attached to the contact,search for the contact, and selectthe desired detail > Options >Delete number, Delete detail, orDelete image. Deleting an imagefrom contacts does not delete itfrom Gallery.To delete all contacts and the detailsattached to them from the phone orSIM card memory, select Menu >Contacts > Delete > One by one orDelete all > From phone mem. orFrom SIM card. Confirm with thesecurity code.■ Business cardsYou can send and receive a person’scontact information from acompatible device that supports thevCard standard as a business card.To send a business card, search forthe contact whose information youwant to send, and select Options >Send bus. card > Via multimedia, Viatext message, Via infrared, or ViaBluetooth.