W e b66 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.To set the phone to receive servicemessages only from content authorsapproved by the service provider,select Message filter > On. To viewthe list of the approved contentauthors, select Trusted channels.To set the phone to automaticallyactivate the browser from thestandby mode when the phone hasreceived a service message, selectAutomatic connection > On. If youselect Off, the phone activates thebrowser only after you selectRetrieve when the phone hasreceived a service message.■ Cache memoryA cache is a memory location that isused to store data temporarily. If youhave tried to access or have accessedconfidential information requiringpasswords, empty the cache aftereach use. The information or servicesyou have accessed is stored in thecache.To empty the cache, while browsing,select Options > Other options >Clear the cache; in the standbymode, select Menu > Web > Clearthe cache.■ Browser securitySecurity features may be requiredfor some services, such as onlinebanking or shopping. For suchconnections you need securitycertificates and possibly a securitymodule, which may be available onyour SIM card. For more information,contact your service provider.Security moduleThe security module improvessecurity services for applicationsrequiring a browser connection, andallows you to use a digital signature.The security module may containcertificates as well as private andpublic keys. The certificates aresaved in the security module by theservice provider.Select Menu > Web > Settings >Security settings > Security modulesettings and from the followingoptions:Security module details — to showthe security module title, status,manufacturer, and serial numberModule PIN request — to set thephone to ask for the module PINwhen using services provided by thesecurity module. Enter the code, andselect On. To disable the module PINrequest, select Off.Change module PIN — to change themodule PIN, if allowed by thesecurity module. Enter the currentmodule PIN code, then enter the newcode twice.