O r g a n i z e r54 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Make a calendar noteSelect Menu > Organiser >Calendar. Scroll to the date youwant, and select Options > Make anote and one of the following notetypes:Meeting, Call, Birthday,Memo, or Reminder.A note alarmThe phone beeps and displays thenote. With a call note on thedisplay, to call the displayed number,press the call key. To stop the alarmand to view the note, select View. Tostop the alarm for approximately10 minutes, select Snooze. To stopthe alarm without viewing the note,select Exit.■ To-do listTo save notes for tasks that you mustdo, select Menu > Organiser >To-do list.To create a note if no note is added,select Add note; otherwise, selectOptions > Add. Write the note, andselect Save. Select the priority, thedeadline, and the alarm type for thenote.To view a note, scroll to it, and selectView.You can also select an option todelete the selected note and deleteall the notes that you have markedas done. You can sort the notes bypriority or by deadline; send a noteto another phone as a text message,using IR, Bluetooth technology, or amultimedia message; save a note asa calendar note, or access thecalendar.While viewing a note, you can alsoselect an option to edit the deadlineor priority for the note or mark thenote as done.■ NotesTo use this application to write andsend notes, select Menu > Organiser> Notes. To create a note if no noteis added, select Add note; otherwise,select Options > Make a note. Writea note, and select Save.Other options for notes includedeleting and editing a note. Whileediting a note, you can also exit thetext editor without saving thechanges. You can send the note tocompatible devices using a textmessage, a multimedia message,Bluetooth technology, or IR. If thenote is too long to send as a textmessage, the phone asks you todelete the appropriate number ofcharacters from your note.