C o n t a c t sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 31■ Subscribed namesYou can create a list of contactswhose presence status informationyou want to be aware of. You canview the information if it is allowedby the contacts and the network. Toview these subscribed names, scrollthrough the contacts, or use theSubscribed names menu.Make sure that the memory in use iseither Phone or Phone and SIM.To connect to the presence service,select Menu > Contacts > Mypresence > Connect to 'My presence'service.Add contacts to thesubscribed names1. Select Menu > Contacts >Subscribed names.2. If you have no contacts on yourlist, select Add. Otherwise, selectOptions > Subscribe new. The listof your contacts is shown.3. Select a contact from the list andif the contact has an user IDsaved, the contact is added to thesubscribed names list.View the subscribed namesTo view the presence information,see ”Search for a contact” p. 28.1. Select Menu > Contacts >Subscribed names.The status information of thefirst contact on the subscribednames list is displayed. Theinformation that the personwants to give to the others mayinclude text and some of thefollowing icons:, or indicate that theperson is available, discreet ornot available.indicates that the person’spresence information is notavailable.2. Select Details to view the detailsof the selected contact; or selectOptions > Subscribe new, Chat,Send message, Send bus. card, orUnsubscribe.Unsubscribe a contactTo unsubscribe a contact from theContacts list, select the contact, andDetails > the user ID > Options >Unsubscribe > OK.To unsubscribe, use the Subscribednames menu. See ”View thesubscribed names” p. 31.