A p p l i c a t i o n s60 Copyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved.Note that when downloading anapplication, it may be saved in theGames menu instead of theApplications menu.Game settingsSelect Menu > Applications >Games > App. settings to set sounds,lights and shakes for games.Memory statusTo view the amount of memoryavailable for game and applicationinstallations (third shared memory),select Menu > Applications >Games or Collection > Memory.■ CalculatorThe calculator in your phone adds,subtracts, multiplies, divides,calculates the square and the squareroot and converts currency values.Note: This calculator haslimited accuracy and isdesigned for simplecalculations.Select Menu > Applications >Extras > Calculator. When 0 isdisplayed on the screen, enter thefirst number in the calculation. Pressthe # key for a decimal point. SelectOptions > Add, Subtract, Multiply,Divide, Square, Square root, orChange sign. Enter the secondnumber. For a total, select Equals.Repeat this sequence as many timesas it is necessary. To start a newcalculation, first select and holdClear.To perform a currency conversion,select Menu > Applications >Extras > Calculator. To save theexchange rate, select Options >Exchange rate. Select either of thedisplayed options. Enter theexchange rate, press the # key for adecimal point, and select OK. Theexchange rate remains in thememory until you replace it withanother one. To perform thecurrency conversion, enter theamount to be converted, and selectOptions > In domestic or In foreign.Note: When you changebase currency, you mustenter the new rates becauseall previously set exchangerates are set to zero.■ Countdown timerSelect Menu > Applications >Extras > Countdown timer. Enter thealarm time in hours, minutes, andseconds. If you wish, write your ownnote text that is displayed when thetime expires. To start the countdowntimer, select Start. To change thecountdown time, select Change