A p p l i c a t i o n sCopyright © 2005 Nokia. All rights reserved. 61time. To stop the timer, select Stoptimer.If the alarm time is reached whenthe phone is in the standby mode,the phone sounds a tone and flashesthe note text if it is set orCountdown time up. To stop thealarm, press any key. If no key ispressed, the alarm automaticallystops within 30 seconds. To stop thealarm and to delete the note text,select Exit. To restart the countdowntimer, select Restart.■ StopwatchTo measure time, take intermediatetimes, or take lap times, use thestopwatch. During timing, the otherfunctions of the phone can be used.To set the stopwatch timing in thebackground, press the end key.Using the stopwatch or allowing itto run in the background when usingother features increases the demandon battery power and reduces thebattery life.Select Menu > Applications >Extras > Stopwatch and from thefollowing options:Split timing — to take intermediatetimes. To start the time observation,select Start. Select Split every timethat you want to take anintermediate time. To stop the timeobservation, select Stop. To save themeasured time, select Save. To startthe time observation again, selectOptions > Start. The new time isadded to the previous time. To resetthe time without saving it, selectReset. To set the stopwatch timing inthe background, press the end key.Lap timing — to take lap times. To setthe stopwatch timing in thebackground, press the end key.Continue — to view the timing thatyou have set in the backgroundShow last — to view the mostrecently measured time if thestopwatch is not resetView times or Delete times — to viewor delete the saved times