Personalise the homescreenSelect Menu > Tools > Modes.To change the name of the current home screen, selectMode name.To select which applications and notifications youwant to see on the home screen, select Home screenapplications.To change the theme of the home screen currently inuse, select Theme.To change the background image of the home screencurrently in use, select Wallpaper.To change from one home screen to another, selectSwitch mode.Change the displaythemeSelect Menu > Tools > Themes.To change the theme used in all applications, select theGeneral folder.To change the theme used in the main menu, select theMenu view folder.To change the theme for a particular application, selectthe application-specific folder.To change the background image of the home screen,select the Wallpaper folder.To select an animation for the screen saver, select thePower saver EnglishCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack