stored in your device. You receive notification if theidentity of the server is not authentic or if you do nothave the correct certificate in your device.You can download a certificate from a web site, orreceive a certificate as a message. Certificates shouldbe used when you connect to an online bank or aremote server to transfer confidential information.They should also be used if you want to reduce the riskof viruses or other malicious software, and to check theauthenticity of software when you download andinstall software to your device.Tip: When you add a new certificate, check itsauthenticity.View certificate detailsYou can only be sure of the correct identity of a serverwhen the signature and the validity period of a servercertificate have been checked.To view certificate details, open a certificate folder, andselect a certificate and Options > Certificatedetails.One of the following notes may appear:• Certificate not trusted — You have not set anyapplication to use the certificate. You may want tochange the trust settings.• Expired certificate — The period of validity hasended for the selected certificate.• Certificate not valid yet — The period of validityhas not yet begun for the selected certificate.• Certificate corrupted — The certificate cannot beused. Contact the certificate issuer.Certificate trust settingsTrusting a certificate means that you authorise it toverify web pages, e-mail servers, software packages,and other data. Only trusted certificates can be used toverify services and software.Important: Even if the use of certificates makesthe risks involved in remote connections and softwareinstallation considerably smaller, they must be usedcorrectly in order to benefit from increased security.The existence of a certificate does not offer anyprotection by itself; the certificate manager mustcontain correct, authentic, or trusted certificates forincreased security to be available. Certificates have arestricted lifetime. If "Expired certificate" or "Certificatenot valid yet" is shown, even if the certificate shouldbe valid, check that the current date and time in yourdevice are correct.Before changing any certificate settings, you mustmake sure that you really trust the owner of thecertificate and that the certificate really belongs to thelisted owner.To change the trust settings, select a certificate andOptions > Trust settings. Select an application fieldand press the scroll key to select Yes or No. You cannotchange the trust settings of a personal EnglishCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack