Options > Activate. To check if the function is activeon the network, select Options > Check status.To select whether net calls alert or not, select Call >Internet call alert. You are notified of missed net callswith a notification.To set the default call type, select Call > Default calltype and select Voice call if you make a GSM calls, orInternet call if you make net calls.To send a text message automatically to the personwho is calling you informing why you cannot answerthe incoming call, select Call > Reject call withSMS > Yes. To set the text for the message, selectCall > Message text.Network settingsSelect Menu > Tools > Settings > Phone >Network.To select the network mode, select Network modeand Dual mode, UMTS, or GSM. In the dual mode, thedevice switches automatically between networks.Tip: UMTS enables faster data transfer, but mayincrease the demand on battery power andreduce the battery life. In regions close to bothGSM and UMTS networks, selecting Dual modemay cause constant jumping between the twonetworks, which also increases the demand onbattery power.To select the operator, select Operator selection andManual to choose from available networks, orAutomatic to have the device select the networkautomatically.To set the device to indicate when it is used in MicroCellular Network (MCN), select Cell info display >On.Connection settingsSelect Menu > Tools > Settings > Connection.Access pointsSelect Menu > Tools > Settings > Connection >Access points.An internet access point is a collection of settings,which define how the device creates a data connectionto the network. To use e-mail and multimedia servicesor to browse web pages, you must first define accesspoints for these services.Some or all access points may be preset for your deviceby your service provider, and you may not be able tocreate, edit, or remove them.To create a new access point, select Options > Newaccess point or select an existing access point from thelist and then Options > Duplicate access point to usethe access point as a basis for the new one.www.nokia.com/support92 EnglishCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack