Printing options > Printers, scroll to the printer andselect Options > Set as default.Before you print, make sure your device is properlyconnected to the printer.To print a document, select Options > Printingoptions > Print.To print to a file, select Options > Printingoptions > Print > Print to file, and determine thelocation for the file.To change the printing options, select Options >Printing options. You can select the printer you wantto use, the number of copies and the range of pagesyou want to print.To change the page layout before printing, selectOptions > Printing options > Page setup. You canchange the paper size and orientation, define themargins, and insert a header or a footer. The maximumlength of the header and footer is 128 characters.To preview a file or message before you print, selectOptions > Printing options > Preview.ClockSelect Menu > Office > Clock.In Clock, you can view your local time and time zoneinformation, set and edit alarms, or modify date andtime settings.Alarm clockOpen the alarm clock tab.To set an alarm, select Options > New alarm. Whenan alarm is active, is displayed.To switch off the alarm, select Stop, or to stop thealarm for 5 minutes, select Snooze. If the alarm timeis reached while the device is switched off, the deviceswitches itself on and starts sounding the alarm tone.If you select Stop, the device asks whether you wantto activate the device for calls. Select No to switch offthe device or Yes to make and receive calls. Do notselect Yes when wireless phone use may causeinterference or danger.To change the alarm time, select Options > Resetalarm.To remove the alarm, select Options > Removealarm.Clock settingsSelect Options > Settings.To change the time or date, select Time or Date.To change the clock shown on the home screen, selectClock type > Analogue or Digital.To allow the mobile phone network to update the time,date, and time zone information to your device(network service), select Network operator time > EnglishCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack