Depending on the certificate, a list of applications thatcan use the certificate is displayed:• Symbian installation — New Symbian operatingsystem application.• Internet — E-mail and graphics.• App. installation — New Java™ application.• Online certif. check — Online certificate statusprotocol.Back up dataIt is recommended to back up device memory regularlyto the memory card or a compatible computer.To back up information from the device memory to amemory card, select Menu > Tools > Memory >Options > Back up phone memory.To restore information from the memory card to thedevice memory, select Menu > Tools > Memory >Options > Restore from card.You can also connect your device to a compatiblecomputer and use Nokia PC Suite to back up data.Application managerSelect Menu > Installations > App. mgr..You can install two types of applications and softwareon your device:• Applications and software specifically intended foryour device or compatible with the Symbianoperating system. These software installation fileshave the extension .sis or .sisx.• Java ME™ applications compatible with the Symbianoperating system. The Java application installationfile extensions are .jad or .jar.Installation files may be transferred to your devicefrom a compatible computer, downloaded duringbrowsing, or sent to you in a multimedia message, asan e-mail attachment, or with Bluetooth.During the installation, the device checks the integrityof the package to be installed. The device showsinformation about the checks being carried out, andyou are given options to continue or cancel theinstallation.If you install applications that require a networkconnection, note that the power consumption of yourdevice may increase when you use these applications.Tip: When browsing web pages, you candownload an installation file and install itimmediately. Note, however, that theconnection runs in the background during theinstallation.Install applicationsImportant: Only install and use applications andother software from trusted sources, such EnglishCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack