Formatting a memory card destroys all data stored onthe card.EncryptionSelect Menu > Tools > Encryption.Encrypt your device or memory card to preventoutsiders from accessing your important information.Encrypt device memory ormemory cardTo encrypt the device memory, select Phonememory.To encrypt the memory card, select Memory card andfrom the following:• Encrypt without saving key — Encrypt thememory card without saving the encryption key. Ifyou select this option, you cannot use the memorycard in other devices, and if you restore factorysettings, you cannot decrypt the memory card.• Encrypt and save key — Encrypt the memory cardand save the key manually in the default folder. Forsecurity, store the key to a safe place outside thedevice. For example, you can send the key to yourcomputer. Enter a pass phrase for the key and aname for the key file. The pass phrase should be longand complex.• Encrypt with restored key — Encrypt the memorycard with a key you have received. Select the key file,and enter the pass phrase.Decrypt device memory ormemory cardAlways remember to decrypt the device memory and/or the memory card before updating the devicesoftware.To decrypt the device memory, select Phonememory.To decrypt the memory card without destroying theencryption key, select Memory card > Decrypt.To decrypt the memory card and destroy theencryption key, select Memory card > Decrypt andturn off encryption.Certificate managerSelect Menu > Tools > Settings > General >Security > Certificate management.Digital certificates are used to verify the origins ofsoftware but do not guarantee safety. There are fourdifferent types of certificates: authority certificates,personal certificates, trusted site certificates, anddevice certificates. During a secure connection, a servermay send a server certificate to your device. Uponreceipt, it is checked through an authority EnglishCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlackCyanCyan MagentaMagenta YellowYellow BlackBlack