Interfaces 13© 2017 Nortek AS4 User CasesNote that the Nortek Signature Series products command interface are ASCII based and lineoriented (commands terminated with CR/LF). All commands should be set explicitly. The .deployfile created by the Deployment software is command-based and can be read directly into thecommand interface. Entering the .deploy file into the command interface can be a good startingpoint before modifying certain parameters using individual commands. Alternatively, use theDeployment software's "Customize..." function to create a .deploy file and input commands inthe #CustomCommands section.Comprehensive validation and error handling is implemented. The setup is verified whensending the SAVE command. If there is anything wrong with the deployment plan, i.e. some ofthe parameters are entered with values outside their specific range, an ERROR will be returned.The GETERROR command will describe why. If SAVE is not used, the deployment plan will bevalidated when sending the START or DEPLOY command. Note the difference between DEPLOYand START, the latter will immediately start a measurement any time the instrument state returnsto Measurement mode such as by applying power or timeout from Data Retrieval Mode. If DEPLOYis used, be aware that if the deployment time has passed when the battery is connected, theinstrument will resynchronize its data sampling according to the deployment time and theinstrument configuration. This means you may have to wait for one average measurementinterval or one burst measurement interval before the instrument starts to ping.Invalid configurations return the ERROR with limits directly, so that each subsequent error can behandled until a valid configuration is achieved. Argument limits can be retrieved throughcommands. For example, if entering SETPLAN,MIAVG=5000, you will receive an OK. But whensaving or deploying, you will receive an ERROR. When using GETERROR: 134,"Invalid setting: PlanProfile Interval","GETPLANLIM,MIAVG=([1;3600])" OK. The measurement interval must be within1:3600 seconds. The valid range for the various arguments can also be verified by using theGETPLANLIM and GETAVGLIM commands.Below you will find four examples illustrating the format and how to use the telemetry file.4.1 Average velocity data and NMEA, Signature 55Either use the Deployment wizard to create a .deploy file which can be uploaded via the TerminalEmulator, or set the configuration through commands (seen below). The .deploy file can also beuploaded then customized via commands once in the Terminal Emulator.In this example: Signature55, configured to alternate between fine and coarse current profiles(3:1). In this case the user wanted to download the averaged fine profile upon request.Configuration example:%Recommended starting point for configuration fileSETDEFAULT,ALLOK%Setting plan for "Fine" profile