Integrator's Guide36© 2017 Nortek AS5.24 POWERDOWNPower down the instrument to set it in sleep mode.5.25 ERASEArgument DescriptionCODE Code should be 9999Erase all files on the recorder.5.26 FORMATArgument DescriptionCODE Code should be 9999Format the recorder. Note that this can take minutes depending on the recorder size.5.27 SECREBOOTArgument DescriptionCODE Code should be 9999Reboots the SEC (Interface processor). This command makes it possible to reboot the SEC withoutgoing via the web interface.5.28 LISTFILESLists the files stored on the Instrument recorder.Argument DescriptionOPT OPT=”la” – lists extended information.