Data formats 67© 2017 Nortek AS6.2 String Data Record DefinitionThe String Data Record is written to the SD memory card using the FWRITE command. The string datarecord is also used to store the instrument configuration. The ID parameter is then set to 16 (0x10).Field Size DescriptionID 8 bits The ID parameter (0-15) of the FWRITE command.String Variable The STR parameter of the FWRITE command. The string iszero terminated.6.3 Data Limit FormatsThe limits for the various arguments are returned as a list of valid values, and/or ranges, enclosedin parenthesis (). An empty list, (), is used for arguments that are unused/not yet implemented.Square brackets [] signify a range of valid values that includes the listed values. String argumentsare encapsulated with “”, like for normal parameter handling. A semicolon, ;, is used as separatorbetween limits and values.The argument format can also be inferred from the limits, integer values are shown without adecimal point, floating point values are shown with a decimal point and strings are either shownwith the string specifier, “”, or as a range of characters using ‘’ for specifying a character.Examples:[1;128] – Integer value, valid from 1 to 128([1300.00;1700.00];0.0) – Floating point value, valid values are 0.0 and the range from 1300.00 to1700.00.(['0';'9'];['a';'z'];['A';'Z'];'.') – String argument with valid characters being . and the character rangesa-z, A-Z, 0-9 .("BEAM") – String argument with BEAM being the only valid string.(0;1) – Integer value with two valid values, 0 and 1.NMEA interface example:$PNOR,GETAVGLIM*22$PNOR,GETAVGLIM,NC=([1;128]),CS=([0.25;2.00]),BD=([0.10;45.00]),CY=("BEAM"),PL=([-40.0;0.0];-100.0),AI=([1;300]),VP=([0.000;0.100]),VR=([1.25;5.00]),DF=([0;3]),NPING=([1;4])*46$PNOR,OK*2BRegular interface example:GETPLANLIM([1;3600]),(0;1),(),([0;2]),(),([0.0;50.0]),(0;1),([10;21600]),(),([1300.00;1700.00];0.0),(['0';'9'];['a';'z'];['A';'Z'];'.'),(0;1)OK