Commands 21© 2017 Nortek AS5.1 List of CommandsCommand Description ScopeSTART Go in measurement mode Command modeMC Go in command mode Confirm modeRM Go in data retrieval mode Confirm modeCO Continue in measurement mode. Confirm mode, Dataretrieval modeINQ Inquiry instrument state All modesSETINST /GETINST /GETINSTLIMSet/Get Main Instrument SettingsGet Instrument Setting LimitsCommand modeSETCLOCK/GETCLOCKSet/Get Real Time Clock Command mode, Dataretrieval modeSETCLOCKSTR/GETCLOCKSTRSet/Get Real Time Clock using a string argument Command mode, Dataretrieval modeSETPLAN/GETPLAN/GETPLANLIMSet/Get Plan SettingsGet Plan LimitsCommand modeSETAVG/GETAVG/GETAVGLIMSet/Get Averaging Mode SettingsGet Averaging Mode LimitsCommand modeSETBURST/GETBURST/GETBURSTLIMSet/Get Burst Profile SettingsGet Burst LimitsCommand modeSETBURSTHR/GETBURSTHR/GETBURSTHRLIMSet/Get Burst HR Profile SettingsGet Burst HR LimitsCommand modeSETECHO/GETECHO/GETECHOLIMSet/Get Echo Sounder settings Command modeSETBT/GETBT/GETBTLIMSet/Get Bottom Track SettingsGet Bottom Track LimitsCommand modeSETALTERNATE/GETALTERNATE/GETALTERNATELIMSet alternating, dual configuration times. Command modeGETMEM Returns the amount of data the various modes willstore to the recorder in Mbytes/hourCommand modeSETTRIG/GETTRIG/GETTRIGLIMSets / gets the parameters and limits for Trigger. Command mode