Commands 31© 2017 Nortek AS5.13.2 TriggersAD2CP offers four main types of triggers: Internal Sampling, TTL trigger, RS-485 trigger and trig oncommand.Internal Sampling (INTSR)Internal triggers determined by the selected sampling rate.TTL TriggerThe AD2CP can trig on either Rising Edge, Falling Edge or Both Edges of a TTL Signal. When triggeredthe instrument will perform a complete ping (Tx and Rx) before it goes back to monitoring the trigger.Any triggers asserted during an ongoing ping will be ignored. The requirements for the TTL input is Vlow<0.7V and Vhigh>2.5V. The TTL input tolerate voltages between 0-5.5 V. The pulse length should beminimum 1 ms.DVL trigger typesRS-485 TriggerA RS-485 signal can be used to trig the AD2CP, either Rising Edge, Falling Edge or Both Edges of aRS-485 Signal. The following figure shows the polarities of the differential RS-485 signal pair for thetrigger types. When triggered the instrument will perform a complete ping (Tx and Rx) before it goesback to monitoring the trigger. Any triggers asserted during an ongoing ping will be ignored. The pulselength should be minimum 1 ms.DVL RS-485 Trigger typesTrig on CommandWhen the TRIG parameter of the SETTRIG command is set to “COMMAND” the AD2CP is trigged bysending a “TRIG[CrLf]” command. The trigger time will be when the end of the [CrLf] is received.