Integrator's Guide62© 2017 Nortek AS6.1.3 Bottom Track Data Record Definition (DF20)Field Size Format Resolution/UnitDescriptionVersion 8 bits Version number of the Data Record Definition. (3)offsetOfData 8 bits Unsigned #Bytes Number of bytes from start of record to start ofdata (velocity/amplitude/correlation)Configuration 16 bits Record Configuration Bit MaskBit 0 Pressure sensor valuevalid.Bit 1 Temperature sensorvalue valid.Bit 2 Compass sensor valuesvalid.Bit 3 Tilt sensor values valid.Bit 4 -Bit 5 Velocity data includedBit 6 -Bit 7 -Bit 8 Distance data includedBit 9 Figure of Merit dataincludedBit 10-15 UnusedSerial Number 32 bits UnsignedYear 8 bits Unsigned 1 Year Years since 1900 (see struct tm definition)Month 8 bits Unsigned 1 Month Jan =0, Feb= 1, etc.(see struct tm definition)Day 8 bits Unsigned 1 Day (see struct tm definition)Hour 8 bits Unsigned 1 Hour (see struct tm definition)Minute 8 bits Unsigned 1 Minute (see struct tm definition)Seconds 8 bits Unsigned 1 Second (see struct tm definition)Microsec100 16 bits Unsigned 100 μsecSpeed ofSound16 bits Unsigned 0.1 m/sTemperature 16 bits Signed 0.01 DegreeCelsiusPressure 32 bits Unsigned 0.001 dBarHeading 16 bits Unsigned 0.01 DegPitch 16 bits Signed 0.01 Deg