Integrator's Guide32© 2017 Nortek AS5.14 GETPWRReturns the power consumption in milliWatts for the various measurements enabled as well asthe overall value. The plan values include the sleep mode power consumption in addition to thesum of average and burst mode values. The reported values are adjusted according to the inputvoltage to the system when the command is executed.Argument DescriptionPLAN Combined burst and average power [mWatt]BURST Burst power [mWatt]AVG Average power [mWatt]PLAN1 Combined burst1 and average1 power [mWatt]BURST1 Alternate burst1 power [mWatt]AVG1 Alternate average1 power [mWatt]TOTAL Total power value [mWatt]5.15 GETPRECISIONReturns the precision in the horizontal range and along the beam in cm/s for the variousmeasurement modes.Argument DescriptionAVGHORZ Precision in the horizontal range in average mode [cm/s]BURSTHORZ Precision in the horizontal range in burst mode [cm/s]BEAM5 Precision in the vertical range in burst mode [cm/s]AVGBEAM Precision along beam in average mode [cm/s]BURSTBEAM Precision along beam in average mode [cm/s]5.16 GETPRECISION1Returns the precision in the horizontal range and along the beam in cm/s for the variousmeasurement modes during alternate mode settings.Argument DescriptionAVGHORZ Precision in the horizontal range in average1 mode [cm/s]BURSTHORZ Precision in the horizontal range in burst1 mode [cm/s]BEAM5 Precision in the vertical range in burst1 mode [cm/s]AVGBEAM Precision along beam in average1 mode [cm/s]BURSTBEAM Precision along beam in average1 mode [cm/s]