Chapter 3 Using the console interface 109Using the BayStack 380 10/100/1000 SwitchTable 12 describes the Switch Configuration Menu options.Table 12 Switch Configuration Menu optionsOption DescriptionMAC Address Table Displays the MAC Address Table screen (see “MAC Address Tablescreen” on page 110). This screen allows you to view all MACaddresses and their associated port or trunk that the switch haslearned, or to search for a particular MAC address (to see if the switchhas learned the address).MAC Address SecurityConfiguration...Displays the MAC Address Security Configuration menu (see “MACAddress Security Configuration Menu screen” on page 111). Thisscreen allows you to set up the MAC address security feature andprovides the following options: MAC Address Security Configuration,MAC Address Security Port Configuration, and MAC Address SecurityTable. This menu allows you to enable and disable security featureson the port and trunk levels.VLAN Configuration... Displays the VLAN Configuration Menu (see “VLAN ConfigurationMenu screen” on page 120). This menu provides the followingoptions: VLAN Configuration, VLAN Port Configuration, VLAN Displayby Port, MAC-SA, and Return to Switch Configuration Menu screen.This menu allows you to create and modify VLANs.Port Configuration... Displays the Port Configuration screen (see “Port Configurationscreen” on page 131). This screen allows you to configure a specificswitch port, or all switch ports.High Speed Flow ControlConfiguration...Displays the High Speed Flow Control Configuration screen.MultiLink Trunk Configuration... Displays the MultiLink Trunk Configuration Menu (see “MultiLink TrunkConfiguration Menu screen” on page 136). This menu provides thefollowing options: MultiLink Trunk Configuration, MultiLink TrunkUtilization, and Return to Switch Configuration Menu screen. Thismenu allows you to create and modify trunks, and to monitor thebandwidth utilization of configured trunks.Port Mirroring Configuration... Displays the Port Mirroring Configuration screen (see “Port MirroringConfiguration screen” on page 142). This screen allows you todesignate a single switch port as a traffic monitor for one specific port.Display Port Statistics Displays the Port Statistics screen (see “Port Statistics screen” onpage 144). This screen allows you to view detailed information aboutany switch port.Clear All Port Statistics Allows you to clear all port statistics.This option is followed by screen prompts that precede a choice of theactions:• Choose one of the following:• Yes, to clear all port statistics for all switch ports• No, to abort the option