142 Chapter 3 Using the console interface212859-APort Mirroring Configuration screenThe Port Mirroring Configuration screen allows you to configure a specific switchport to monitor one specific port. You can specify ingress and egress port-basedmonitoring.For more information about the port mirroring feature, see “Port mirroring(conversation steering)” on page 42.Figure 70 shows an example of a Port Mirroring Configuration screen.To open the Port Mirroring Configuration screen:Last 30 Minutes This read-only field indicates the percentage of packets (of the type specified in theTraffic Type field) utilized by the port in the last 30 minutes. This field provides arunning average of network activity and is updated every 15 seconds.Last Hour This read-only field indicates the percentage of packets (of the type specified in theTraffic Type field) utilized by the port in the last 60 minutes. This field provides arunning average of network activity and is updated every 15 seconds.Choose Port Mirroring Configuration (or press i) from the SwitchConfiguration Menu screen.Table 28 MultiLink Trunk Utilization screen fields (continued)Field Description