164 Chapter 3 Using the console interface212859-ASoftware Download screenThe Software Download screens (Figure 80 and Figure 81) allow you to revise theBayStack 380 Switch software image that is located in nonvolatile flash memory.Allowed SourceIP AddressSpecifies up to 10 user-assigned host IP addresses that are allowed Telnet access to theCI.Default Value: (no IP address assigned)Range: Four-octet dotted-decimal notation, where each octet is representedas a decimal value, separated by a decimal pointAllowed SourceMaskSpecifies up to 10 user-assigned allowed source address masks. The remote IP addressis masked with the Allowed Source Mask and, if the resulting value equals the AllowedSource IP address, the connection is allowed.For example, a connection would be allowed with the following settings:Remote IP address = Source IP Address = Source Mask = Value: (no IP mask assigned)Range: Four-octet dotted-decimal notation, where each octet is representedas a decimal value, separated by a decimal pointCaution: Do not interrupt power to the device during the softwaredownload process. If the power is interrupted, the firmware image canbecome corrupted.Achtung: Unterbrechen Sie die Stromzufuhr zum Gerät nicht, währenddie Software heruntergeladen wird. Bei Unterbrechung der Stromzufuhrkann das Firmware-Image beschädigt werden.Attention: Ne pas couper l'alimentation de l'appareil pendant lechargement du logiciel. En cas d'interruption, le programme résidentpeut être endommagé.Table 37 TELNET Configuration screen fields (continued)Field Description