22 Preface212859-ARelated publicationsFor more information about using the BayStack 380 Switch, refer to the followingpublications:• Using the BayStack 380 10/100/1000 Switch (part number 212859-A)Describes how to use the BayStack 380 10/100/1000 Switch for networkconfiguration.• Using Web-Based Management for the BayStack 380 10/100/1000 Switch(part number 212863-A)Describes how to use the Web-based management tool to configure switchfeatures.• Installing the BayStack 380 10/100/1000 Switch (part number 212860-A)Describes how to install the BayStack 380 Switch.• Release Notes for the BayStack 380 10/100/1000 Switch(part number 212864-A)Documents important changes about the software and hardware that are notcovered in other related publications.• Getting Started with the BayStack 380 Management Software(part number 212861-A)Describes how to install the Java-based device level software managementapplication.• Reference for the BayStack 380 Management Software (part number 212862)Describes how to use the Java-based device level software managementapplication.You can print selected technical manuals and release notes free, directly from theInternet. Go to the www.nortelnetworks.com/documentation URL. Find theproduct for which you need documentation. Then locate the specific category andmodel or version for your hardware or software product. Use Adobe* AcrobatReader* to open the manuals and release notes, search for the sections you need,and print them on most standard printers. Go to Adobe Systems at thewww.adobe.com URL to download a free copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader.