- 153 -5. Operating Management/ SpecificationsOnly when Point Calculation Type is a default setting, the setting is available on the Web page of the machine. If [CostSettings] is not displayed, check the Point Calculation Type setting.Set numbers of points for paper size and Color/Mono (Grayscale). For example, you can setso that bigger size paper needs more points or color printing needs more points thangrayscale printing. Points are charged on a page-by-page basis, so when you print twopages, you need twice as much as the set rate.In addition, you can apply point reduction system for two-sided printing or saving toner toprint. The reduction rate for saving toner also depends on [Toner Saving Calculation Setting].1 Open the Web page of the machine.Open the Web Page of This Machine2 Log in as the administrator.Log In as the Administrator3 Click [Account Management].4 Click [Cost Settings].5 Click [Paper Size Points Settings] or [Toner Points Settings].The setting screen opens separately.Setting Paper Size Points/Toner Points