- 207 -7. Utility SoftwareFor details on the LDAP server and encryption setting, contact your network administrator.1 Open the Web page of this machine.Open the Web Page of This Machine2 Log in as the administrator.3 Select [Admin Setup].4 Select [Network] > [LDAP].5 Enter the FQDN or IP address of the LDAP server in [LDAP Server].When you select [Digest-MD5] or [Secure Protocol] for [Method] in step 9, do not enter an IP address, but enteran FDQN. FQDN is a combination of a host name and domain name. (Example: Server1.domain1.local)6 Enter the port number of the LDAP server in [Port Number].7 Specify a value of time-out to wait for the search results in [Timeout].8 Specify a BaseDN to access the LDAP server in [Search Root].9 Select a necessary authentication method in [Method].[Anonymous]: Connects to the LDAP server by Anonymous authentication.[Simple]: Connects to the LDAP server by Simple authentication.[Digest-MD5]: Connects to the LDAP server by Digest-MD5 authentication.[Secure Protocol]: Connects to the LDAP server by Secure Protocol (Kerberos)authentication.If you select [Anonymous], the machine always authenticates by Anonymous authentication. If you use the LDAPserver for the LDAP Name authentication, select an authentication method other than [Anonymous].• If you select [Digest-MD5], you must set the DNS server.• If you select [Secure Protocol], you must set SNTP server, DNS server, and secure protocol server.10 If you select other than [Anonymous] in step 9, specify the user ID andpassword to log in to the LDAP server.11 Select the encryption method in [Encryption].[None]: Encryption is not performed.[LDAPS]: Encryption in LDAPS method is performed.[STARTTLS]: Encryption in StartTLS method is performed.12 Click [Submit].Setting the LDAP Server