CALIBRATION 34This chapter also describes important concepts and suggestions for understandingcalibration. The following table provides the location of each description.N OTE : The procedures described in this chapter are fundamentally the same forWindows and Mac OS computers. Illustrations from a Windows computer are used in thischapter.Calibrating with ColorWise Pro Tools CalibratorColorWise Pro Tools Calibrator allows you to calibrate the CX3641MFP using themeasurement method of your choice.Changing calibration has the potential to affect all jobs for all users, so consider limitingthe number of people authorized to perform calibration. Set an Administrator password tocontrol access to calibration (see Configuration and Setup).N OTE : Multiple users can be connected to one CX3641MFP with ColorWise Pro Tools,but only one user at a time can use Calibrator. If you try to calibrate when another user isusing ColorWise Pro Tools to calibrate, an error message appears.Starting CalibratorStart Calibrator from the ColorWise Pro Tools main window.ColorCal from the copier/printer touch panel page 52VisualCal from the copier/printer touch panel page 54For more information about SeeAn overview of calibration page 56How calibration works page 56Scheduling calibration page 58Checking calibration status page 58Calibration method See