COLOR WISE P RINT O PTIONS 96Printer drivers and print optionsThe printer driver writes a PostScript file containing the instructions generated by yourapplication and the settings for the ColorWise print options you selected. The printerdriver then sends the PostScript file to the CX3641MFP. The CX3641MFP performsPostScript processing and color conversions and sends raster color data to the copier/printer.Setting print options for WindowsThis section explains how to set color management print options with the Adobe andMicrosoft PostScript printer drivers for Windows, PostScript 3 printer drivers that take fulladvantage of the color features of the CX3641MFP.Before you proceed, do the following:• Install the printer driver and the CX3641MFP PPD (see Printing from Windows).• Set up the CX3641MFP for printing (see Printing from Windows ).N OTE : The following illustrations and instructions do not apply to all applications. Manyapplications, such as Adobe PageMaker, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, QuarkXPress, andCorelDRAW, have other color management options in addition to those presented in theprinter driver. For information about specific applications, see Fiery Color Reference.Use the following procedure to set the color options for Windows computers.TO SET PRINT OPTIONS FOR WINDOWS COMPUTERS1 Choose Print in your application.2 Select CX3641MFP as your printer and click Properties.In the Properties dialog box, the Fiery Printing tab is displayed.3 Click the ColorWise icon.4 Specify the settings for the print options in the Color window.For information about ColorWise print options, see page 84.NewscreenshotTBD