COLOR WISE P RINT O PTIONS 90The following applications have been tested with Mac OS and Windows for compatibilitywith the Combine Separations option:• Adobe Illustrator• Adobe InDesign• Adobe PageMaker• Macromedia FreeHand• QuarkXPressFor information about using the Combine Separations option with applications such asPhotoshop, see Fiery Color Reference.Composite OverprintWhen overlapping objects are printed, the foreground object can either overprint or knockout the background object. With overprinting, the color of the background object showsthrough the foreground object where they overlap, and the resulting color is a combinationof the colors of the two objects. With a knock-out, the foreground object hides thebackground object where they overlap.The Composite Overprint print option allows you to print overprinted objects as specifiedin the source file. By default, the Composite Overprint print option is off and overlappingobjects print as knockouts.The Composite Overprint print option is supported for PostScript and PDF jobs producedby the following applications:• Adobe Acrobat• Adobe Illustrator• Adobe InDesign• Macromedia FreeHand• QuarkXPress• CorelDRAWIf Composite Overprint is enabled for a job that contains spot colors, Spot-On must beenabled on the CX3641MFP.A job with more than 32 spot colors may not print as expected.