S POT -ON 59SPOT -ONThe Spot Color Matching print option automatically matches spot colors with their bestCMYK equivalents so that spot colors can be simulated using the CMYK toner of thecopier/printer. However, you may want to adjust the default CMYK equivalents to achievea better match for your specific printing conditions. You can modify spot colors usingSpot-On.In addition to managing “named” colors, Spot-On allows you to create a list of“substitute” colors. These are colors that, when called for in a document by their RGB orCMYK values, are substituted with a different color having the CMYK values from theSpot-On color dictionary. This permits exact color control and overrides individual RGBand CMYK colors.Using Spot-OnSpot-On allows you to adjust and manage lists of spot colors and their CMYK equivalents.The matching lists of spot colors and CMYK values are known as Spot Color Dictionaries.Spot-On allows you to maintain multiple Spot Color Dictionaries for each output profileon the CX3641MFP.N OTE : Spot-On is an optional feature for the CX3641MFP.N OTE : To use the Spot-On features with named colors, you must enable the Spot ColorMatching print option. For more information about this option, see page 94.N OTE : Spot colors identified by names are printed with their defined CMYK values. Theedits to the output profile made with Color Editor do not affect how spot colors print.Some Spot-On features require that a job be displayed with correct colors on your monitor.To display the colors correctly on your monitor, you must set up the monitor displayaccording to the manufacturer’s recommendations, and specify the correct monitor profilefor your monitor.Specify the following settings for the monitor display:• At the monitor: Brightness, Contrast, and Temperature• From the control panel of the operating system: Resolution, Refresh rate, and Numberof colorsFor more information about setting up your monitor and the monitor profile, see thedocumentation that accompanies the monitor.