S POT -ON 642 Double-click the name of the color or group.3 Type the new name exactly as it appears in the job, including uppercase and lowercasecharacters and spaces, as needed.This new name is supplied by the source application (such as Adobe Illustrator orQuarkXPress) to your PostScript job.N OTE : Default groups or colors (such as PANTONE) cannot be renamed.Downloading custom color groupsYou can download custom color groups from your computer to the CX3641MFP.Downloaded groups are added as custom groups to the Spot-On color list and areimmediately enabled for use on the CX3641MFP.TO DOWNLOAD CUSTOM COLOR GROUPS1 Select the location in the color list where you want to add the downloaded group.2 Choose Download from the File menu.The Select file dialog box appears.N OTE : Although many ICC profiles may be shown, you can only download an ICCNamed Color Profile.3 Locate and select the desired color group, and then click Open.The downloaded group is added to the specified location in the Spot-On list. If you did notspecify a location, the group is added to the top of the list.If the downloaded group has the same name as an existing group in the list, you areprompted to rename the downloaded group.