COLOR WISE P RINT O PTIONS 95For jobs that include spot colors, set Spot Color Matching to On unless you are printingpress simulations. In that case, set Spot Color Matching to Off and choose the appropriateCMYK Simulation setting (see page 87).For a PDF job that includes spot colors that are not included in the built-in table, settingSpot Color Matching to On retains the original spot colors. The CX3641MFP referencesthe built-in table to generate the closest CMYK matches of the original spot color.N OTE : Use Spot Color Matching only when printing composites, not when printingseparations.Spot Color Matching and the PANTONE Coated Color ReferenceThe PANTONE Coated Color Reference prints differently depending on the Spot ColorMatching setting (see Fiery Color Reference).• On: The CX3641MFP uses a built-in table or, with Spot-On, the Spot-On colordictionaries to generate the best matches for the PANTONE colors that your copier/printer can produce. The PANTONE number is displayed below each swatch.For more information about Spot-On, see page 59.• Off: The CX3641MFP prints swatches using the CMYK values recommended byPantone, Inc. (and used by applications that provide PANTONE color libraries). TheCMYK values used to generate the color, as well as the PANTONE number of thecolor, are printed below each swatch. These CMYK values are printed through theselected CMYK Simulation and Output Profile settings.Substitute ColorsSpot-On allows you to create a list of substitute colors. These are colors that, when calledfor in a document by their RGB or CMYK values, are substituted with a different colorhaving the CMYK values from the Spot-On color dictionary. This permits exact colorcontrol and overrides individual RGB and CMYK colors.To enable substitute colors for a job, select the Substitute Colors option.For more information about creating and using substitute colors, see “Spot-On withSubstitute Colors” on page 72.