CALIBRATION 54Calibrating with VisualCalVisualCal is a calibration method that allows you to calibrate your copier/printer to a coloroutput standard defined by the manufacturer. The calibration calculations performed bythe controller software are based on a series of values entered on the copier/printer touchpanel. The values used in the calculations are determined by evaluating toner densities andcolor combinations produced on two specially designed calibration pages printed from thecopier/printer touch panel.Limits and 30% MatchThe first VisualCal page, “Limits and 30% Match,” provides the basis for calculating themost acceptable luminosity (brightness) of the toners. This page consists of rows ofCMYK dots in a graduated range of toner densities.The variables needed to recalculate the density of the colored toners are determined byidentifying the leftmost dots that can be fully distinguished against their fields in each row,and sequentially entering their corresponding numeric values on the copier/printer touchpanel. The variable needed to recalculate the luminosity of the toners is determined in aslightly different way—you identify the black dot that best matches a 30% dot gain field.When all values have been entered, the printer’s toner density and luminosity settings arerecalculated.Gray BalanceThe second VisualCal page, “Gray Balance,” provides the basis for calculating a “neutralgray balance,” that is, a CMY gray that as closely as possible matches a pure K (blacK)gray produced by the printer’s engine. This page consists of rows of CMY gray patches ona field of gray produced solely from black.The variables needed to calculate the printer’smost neutral gray balance are determined by identifying the CMY patch that best matchesthis field, and entering its row and column location on the copier/printer touch panel.When the values have been entered, the printer’s gray balance is recalculated.TO PERFORM VISUAL C AL CALIBRATION1 At the Idle screen, press the Menu button to enter the Functions menu.2 Choose Calibration, and choose Set Up Calibration.If a password is set on the CX3641MFP, enter it and press OK.3 For Calibration Mode, select Standard or Expert.With Expert Mode, you can print a Comparison Page (see page 36).4 For Measurement Method, choose VisualCal.5 For Tray, choose Auto Select or Manual Feed.6 At the main calibration screen, select Calibrate.7 For Calibration Set, choose Default, Custom-A, or Custom-B.