APPENDIX 1 MESSAGES AND LEDSAPPENDIX 1 MESSAGES AND LEDSEA1- 3NOTES:• If an error is found in a command received, up to 42 bytes of the erroneous command, starting from the commandcode, will be displayed. (However, [LF] and [NUL] will not be displayed.)Example 1[ESC]PC001;0A00,0300,2,2,A,00,B[LF][NUL]Command errorThe following message appears.Example 2[ESC]T20G30[LF] [NUL]Command errorThe following message appears.Example 3[ESC]PC002;0100,0300,15,15,A,00,00,J0101,+000000000A,Z10,P1[LF] [NUL]Command errorThe following message appears.• When the error is shown, “? (3FH)” appears for character codes other than 20H to 7FH and A0H to DFH.• For details, please refer to the LE840/LE850 External Equipment Interface ManualSYNTAX ERRORPC001;0A00,0300,2,2,A,00,BSYNTAX ERRORT20G30SYNTAX ERRORPC002;0100,0300,15,15,A,00,00,J0101,+00000