#D2-#D22#2s$ VQProduct must accompany any request or claim forwork to be performed under this Limited Warranty.This shall not apply if the Product has been dam-aged due to abuse, misuse, misapplication, acci-dent, or as a result of service or modification by anyother than an authorized Oki Data service center.THERE ARE NO EXPRESS WARRANTIESOTHER THAN THOSE ON THE FACE HEREOFAND DESCRIBED ABOVE. NO WARRANTIESEXPRESS OR APPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOTLIMITED TO, ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE,SHALL EXTEND BEYOND THE RESPECTIVEWARRANTY PERIODS NOTED ABOVE.Service and Support: Latin AmericaOki Data Authorized Service Providers: LatinAmericaFor the most comprehensive, up-to-date listing ofOki Data authorized Service Centers in LatinAmerica:Consult our web site www.okidata.com:Select your country or region under “Select Coun-try/Region.”Click ASSISTÊNCIA E SUPORTE (Brasil) orSoporte (Mexico or Latin America).In Spanish-speaking countries, contact the LatinAmerica Service Coordinator at Oki Data’s Corpo-rate Headquarters at +856-222-5276 (Spanishonly).Oki Data Contact Locations, Latin AmericaMexicoOki Data de Mexico, S.A. de C.V.Rua Alexandre Dumas, No. 748-8Col. Anzures, e.p. 11590Mexico, DFPhone: (525) 263-8780Fax: (525) 263-8785BrazilOki Data do Brasil, Ltda.Mariano Escobedo 2220 - 80 andarChácara Sto AntonioSão Paulo, SP Brazil 04717-004Phone: (5511) 3444-3500Fax: (5511) 3444-3501Support Center: 0800-11-55-77e-mail: okidata@okidata.com.brIf you are having a problem with your OKI product,please contact any of the Authorized ServiceCenters shown for your Country/Region on ourWeb site, www.okidata.com.Sales and Service Centers: Latin AmericaIf you need service, please contact the store whereyou bought your OKI product or contact any of theAuthorized Service Centers shown for your Coun-try/Region on our Web site for information.Prices and charges may vary.A copy of the proof of purchase is required for thewarranty process.Contacting Oki Data: Latin AmericaInformation regarding our products and authorizedservice centers is available in our Web site:www.okidata.comCustomer Support Professionals: Latin AmericaOur customer support professionals are trainedand certified on all current OKI products. Makesure that you are close to your printer when youcall one of our OKI authorized service centers sothat you can describe your problem more accu-rately.Customer support professionals can answer yourquestions regarding:· Location of nearest Authorized ServiceCenter· Installation of your machine· Usage/normal maintenance of your ma-chine· Error message interpretation/solutions· Parts and supplies identification· Consumer relations