1128-4-7 !LEDIf both GAIN (0 dB) and GAIN (–3 dB) are set to ON, the LEDilluminates except when GAIN is adjusted to 0 dB and –3 dB.8-5 CAM OPERATION8-5-1 CAMERA IDThis setting is canceled when READ FACTORY DATA isselected.8-5-2 SHUTTER SPEEDThe ____ in the Adjustable Range column indicates the presetmode.Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksGAIN(0dB) ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenGAIN is set to other than 0 dB.– C U F EGAIN (-3dB) ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenGAIN is set to other than -3 dB.– C U F EDS.GAIN ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenDS.GAIN (storage gain) is ON.– C U F ESHUTTER ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate when theshutter is set to ON.– C U F EWHITEPRESETONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate when theWHITE BAL switch is set to PRST.– C U F EEXTENDER ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate when thelens is in EXTENDER mode.– C U F EBLACK STR ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenBLACK STRETCH is used.– C U F EMATRIX ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenMATRIX is set to ON.– C U F ECOLORCORRECTIONONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenCOLOR CORRECTION is set to ON.– C U F EFILTER ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate the lampwhen filter1 (3200K) is not 3200K.– C U F ESUPER V ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenSUPER V is set to ON.– C U F E50M/25M/DV OFFW/O 50MW/O 25MW/O DVSelect whether or not to illuminate accordingto the recording mode.OFF: Does not illuminate in any recordingmode.W/O 50M:Illuminate except in DVCPRO50 mode.W/O 25M:llluminate except in DVCPRO mode.W/O DV:Illuminate except in DV mode.– C U F EATW ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate whenauto-tracking white balance is allocated tothe WHITE BAL switch B.– C U F ED.ZOOM ONOFFSelect whether or not to illuminate duringdigital zoom operation.– C U F EItems/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksID1 Setting 1 for the CAMERA ID recorded oncolor bars. Up to 10 characters are allowedfor this setting.– C U F –ID2 Setting 2 for the CAMERA ID recorded oncolor bars. Up to 10 characters are allowedfor this setting.– C U F –ID3 Setting 3 for the CAMERA ID recorded oncolor bars. Up to 10 characters are allowedfor this setting.– C U F –Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksSYNCHROSCANONOFFAllocate SYNCHRO SCAN as a shutterspeed selectable by the shutter switch.– C U F ESUPER V ONOFFAllocate SUPER V as a shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F EPOSITION1 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION1 SELECT in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F EPOSITION2 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION2 SELECT in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F EPOSITION3 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION3 SELECT in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F EPOSITION4 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION4 SELECT in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F EPOSITION5 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION5 SELECT in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F EPOSITION6 ONOFFAllocate the shutter speed set byPOSITION6 SELECT in the SELECT> screen as the shutter speedselectable by the shutter switch.– C U F EᤨࠫDownloaded From VideoCamera-Manual.com Manuals