965. P2 Card Fully RecordedDisplay windowindicationAll 7 bar indicators for remaining MEDIA capacitystart blinking.WARNING lamp Continues to light up until an operation isperformed.Tally lamp Continues to blink 4 times per second until anoperation is performed.Viewfinder The END indicator blinks.Warning tone Continues to beep until an operation isperformed.Warningdescription The P2 cards are recorded to maximum capacity.Recording/playback operation The recording stops.Countermeasures Delete the clips in the P2 card or insert a new P2card.7. Low Wireless Signal ReceptionDisplay windowindication No display.WARNING lamp Blinks 4 times per second. (During pause andrecording)Tally lamp Blinks 4 times per second while recordingcontinues.Viewfinder The WIRELESS RF indicator lights up whilerecording continues.Warning tone Beeps 4 times per second while recordingcontinues.WarningdescriptionThis error indicates poor wireless audio receptionconditions.Recording/playback operationContinues to operate without receiving thewireless microphone signal.Countermeasures Check the microphone power supply and thereception status of the wireless receiver.6. Recording ErrorDisplay windowindication“00:00:00:11” appears in the time code displayfield. Even after recording is stopped, this displaycontinues to blink until the next operation isperformed.WARNING lamp Blinks 4 times per second while recordingcontinues.Tally lamp Blinks 4 times per second while recordingcontinues.Viewfinder The REC WARNING indicator lights up.Warning tone Beeps 4 times per second while recordingcontinues.WarningdescriptionThis indicates a failure either in the P2 cardrecording or the recording circuit.Recording/playback operation Recording stops.Countermeasures Restart recording. Or, turn the power OFF andturn it ON again, before starting recording.8. 1394 (when AJ-YAD800G is attached)Display windowindicationThe 1394 E-__indicator in the display windowlights up.WARNING lamp Blinks 4 times per second while the WARNINGlamp recording is continuing.WARNING lamp Blinks 4 times per second while the TALLY LAMPrecording is continuing.ViewfinderIn the case of Error Code 92, “1394 INITIALERROR” indicator lights up (during pause andrecording)For Error Codes other than Error Code 92, or ifREC SIGNAL is set to “1394”, no error isdisplayed in the viewfinder.Warning tone Beeps 4 times per second while ALARMrecording is continuing.WarningdescriptionThis indicates a failure of the DVCPRO/DVconnector.Recording/playback operationThe operation continues, but input signals to theDVCPRO/DV connector are abnormal.CountermeasuresCheck the connection between the IEEE1394cable and the DVCPRO/DV connector, settings ofany external device and menus, and the turn onthe power again.If the warning indication is still illuminated,confirm the “Error Codes” in the IEEE1394interface board instruction manual, and consultyour nearest service center.ᤨࠫDownloaded From VideoCamera-Manual.com Manuals