98Chapter 8 Menu Description Tables8-1 Menu ConfigurationAbout Menu Description TablesUSER MENUUSER MENU SELECTSYSTEM SETTINGPAINTCAM OPERATIONSYSTEM MODEOPTION MODE 1REC FUNCTIONOUTPUT SELGENLOCKROPLOW SETTINGMID SETTINGCAMERA IDSHUTTER SPEEDSHUTTER SELECTUSER SWSW MODEWHITE BALANCE MODEIRISFLAREUSER SW GAINMATRIXCOLOR CORRECTIONSYSTEM SETTING(USER)PAINT(USER)VF(USER)CAM OPE(USER)FILE(USER)MAINTENANCE(USER)MAIN OPE(USER)SKIN TONE DTLKNEE/LEVELHIGH SETTINGADDITIONAL DTLGAMMACAMERA SETTINGVF VF DISPLAYVF MARKERUSER BOXVF INDICATOR1VF INDICATOR2MODE CHECK INDFILE SD CARD READ/WRITESD CARD R/W SELECTLENS FILESCENEINITIALIZEMAINTENANCE SYSTEM CHECKLENS ADJBLACK SHADINGWHITE SHADINGMENUMAIN MENUOPTION MENUOPTION! LEDMAIN OPERATIONBATTERY SETTING2MIC/AUDIO 1BATTERY/P2CARDBATTERY SETTING1UMID SET/INFOMIC/AUDIO 2TC/UBLCD MONITORDIAGNOSTIC1DIAGNOSTIC2HOURS METEROPTION MODE 2Opening the MenusUSER MENU:Displayed when the MENU button ispressed.MAIN MENU:Displayed when the MENU button ispressed for at least 3 seconds.OPTION MENU:Displayed when the MENU button ispressed while pressing the LIGHT button.<Notes>z The following items can be set: 42 camera-related items (14 C 3 pages), 14 recording-related items (1 page).z The items highlighted in grey cannot be selected by .z The underlined items can only be selected as one whole page (with all sub-items). Individual sub-items cannot be selectedseparately.The following letters indicate whether the modified menu data is saved toor read out from the memory.The – indicates that the data cannot be saved or read.S = Can be saved and read as scene data file.C = Can be saved or read using CARD READ/WRITESD.U = Can be saved and read as user data.Please refer to [8-7-4 SCENE] and [8-7-5 INITIALIZE].F = Can be read using READ FACTORY DATA.Please refer to [8-7-5 INITIALIZE].E = Can be saved using ECU DATA SAVE.Please refer to [5-9 Connecting the AJ-EC3P Extension Controller].Items/Data SavedAdjustableRange RemarksREC SIGNAL CAMVIDEO1394Select video input signals.CAM Record the signal from the cameraVIDEO: Record the signal from theGENLOCK IN terminal1394: Record the signal from the 1394input terminal. (when optional AJ-YAD800G is attached.)– C U F EThis section shows theadjustable range of theset value, and availableoptions for this item.About the settings available for thisitem.ᤨࠫDownloaded From VideoCamera-Manual.com Manuals