49RQT7392Convenient functionsTabs Menus Options (Underlined items are the factory presets.)AudioContinuedDigital Audio OutputChange the settings when you have connected equipment through this unit’s DIGITAL AUDIO OUT terminal (➡ page 9).≥Press [ENTER] to show the following settings.PCM Down ConversionSelect how to output audio with a sampling frequency of 96kHz or 88.2 kHz.≥On: Signals are converted to 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz. (Choosewhen the connected equipment cannot processsignals with sampling frequency of 96 kHz or 88.2kHz.)≥Off: Signals are output as 96 kHz or 88.2 kHz. (Choosewhen the connected equipment can process signalswith sampling frequency of 96 kHz or 88.2 kHz.)Signals are converted to 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz despite the abovesettings if the signals have a sampling frequency of over 96 kHzor 88.2 kHz, or the disc has copy protection.Dolby Digital Select how to output the signal, to output“Bitstream” so the connected equipmentdecodes the signal, or to decode on thisunit and output the signal as “PCM” (2channel).[Note]Not making the proper settings may resultin noise, possibly damage your hearingand speakers, and digital recording maynot work properly.≥Bitstream: When connecting to equipment displaying theDolby Digital logo.≥PCM: When connecting to equipment not displaying theDolby Digital logo.DTS ≥Bitstream: When connecting to equipment displaying the DTSlogo.≥PCM: When connecting to equipment not displaying theDTS logo.Audio for XP RecordingChoose the audio type when recording or transferring (dubbing)with XP mode.≥Dolby Digital (➡ page 53)≥LPCM (➡ page 53)–The picture quality of LPCM recordings may be lower thanthat of normal XP mode recordings.–The audio recording becomes Dolby Digital even if youselected LPCM when using a recording mode other than XP.–When recording MTS broadcast, select the type of audio inadvance from “Select MTS” (➡ page 48).Select Audio CH for DV InputYou can select the kind of audio when recording from the unit’sDV terminal (➡ page 41).≥Stereo 1: Records audio (L1, R1).≥Stereo 2: Records added audio such as narration (L2, R2)subsequent to original recording.≥Mix: Records both Stereo 1 and Stereo 2.When recording MTS broadcast, select the type of audio inadvance from “Select MTS” (➡ page 48).Display Status MessagesChoose whether to show status messages automatically.≥Automatic ≥OffOn-screen LanguageChoose the language for these menus and on-screenmessages.≥English ≥Español ≥Français–Only English is displayed in the TV Guide On Screen TMsystem regardless of the settings. Other languages cannotbe displayed.Blue BackgroundSelect “Off” if you do not want to have the unit show the bluebackground when reception is weak.≥On ≥OffFront DisplayChanges the brightness of the unit’s display.≥Bright ≥Dim≥Automatic:The display turns dark during play, and reappearsmomentarily if a button is pressed. When the unit is turned offall displays disappear. While using this mode the standbypower consumption can be reduced.TVScreenTV Type (➡ page 12) ≥Aspect 4:3 & 480I ≥Aspect 4:3 & 480P≥Aspect 16:9 & 480I ≥Aspect 16:9 & 480P4:3 TV Settings for DVD-VideoSelect how DVD-Video widescreen picture is shown on a 4:3standard aspect television.≥Pan & Scan:Video recorded for a widescreen is played as Pan & Scan(unless prohibited by the producer of the disc).≥Letterbox:Video recorded for a widescreen is played in the letterbox style.4:3 TV Settings for DVD-RAMSelect how DVD-RAM widescreen picture is shown on a 4:3standard aspect television.≥4:3: Titles played as recorded.≥Pan & Scan: Video recorded for a widescreen is played as Pan &Scan.≥Letterbox: Video recorded for a widescreen is played in theletterbox style.