61VQT2J40CopyingCopying music to HDDYou can store the following formats of music data in this unit’s HDD.≥Music CD (CD-DA)When copying music CDs, this unit makes access to the internalGracenote ® Database to obtain title information. The album name,track name and artist name are assigned automatically allowing youto find the track easily when playing back.≥WMA/MP3You can copy MP3 or WMA files from the USB memory or CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-R DL.The Gracenote® Database is a database used to search and retrieveCD title information.When a CD is inserted or recording from a CD begins, the unit willautomatically search for and obtain information about the insertedCD.The Gracenote ® Database comes pre-installed on this unit, so titlesand artist information can be obtained. Please note however that thenewest CD titles, etc. may not be registered yet to the internaldatabase. This unit has an internal database containing informationfor approximately 350,000 album titles.You can update the internal database (> 62).If there are CDs with very similar title information, then the incorrecttitle information may be obtained. If no title suggestions are found,then track name, album name and artist name will be blank.In these cases, enter the CD title information manually, afterrecording to the HDD has completed.[CD] > [HDD]All tracks on the music CD (CD-DA) are recorded on the HDD.(Cannot record track-by-track.)≥One CD is recorded on the HDD as one album.≥Audio quality: LPCM≥The maximum number of albums on HDD: 300(Depends on the remaining capacity.)If titles or pictures are recorded, then the number of albums thatcan be recorded will be reduced.PreparationPress [DRIVE SELECT] to select the DVD drive.1 Insert a music CD.The menu is automatically displayed.2 Press [3, 4] to select “Copy Music”and press [OK].The unit starts accessing the Gracenote ® Database andsearches for the title information.If search results indicate that multiple titles were foundPress [3, 4] to select the appropriate title and press [OK].3 Press [2, 1] to select “Copy” andpress [OK].Recording starts.To stop recordingPress and hold [RETURN ] for 3 seconds.≥If the recording is cancelled, then no tracks on the CD will berecorded.To return to the previous screenPress [RETURN ].≥While recording, no other operations can be performed. Timerrecordings will not proceed.≥Tracks recorded on the HDD cannot be transferred to a disc, USBmemory or SD card.≥CDs which have SCMS (Serial Copy Management System)restrictions cannot be recorded to the HDD.[-R] [-R]DL] [CD] [USB] (MP3/WMA) > [HDD]You can copy MP3 or WMA files recorded on USB memory or CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-R DL to the HDD by file or folder.≥One folder is recorded on the HDD as one group.≥The maximum number of albums§ on HDD: 300The maximum number of tracks on HDD: 3000(Depends on the remaining capacity.)If titles or pictures are recorded, then the number of albums§ thatcan be recorded will be reduced.§ Folders with music files (groups) copied to the HDD will betreated as albums.1 While stopped[-R] [-R]DL] [CD]Insert the CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-R DL (> 17).[USB]Insert the USB memory (> 17).The menu is automatically displayed. (> 38)2 Press [3, 4] to select “Copy Music( MP3&WMA )” and press [OK].“Copy Direction” and “Copy Mode” are automatically set to“USB#HDD”, “DVD#HDD” or “CD#HDD” and “MUSIC HighSpeed”, respectively.3 Register MP3 or WMA files for copy.You can register WMA/MP3 files or folders.≥WMA/MP3 files and folders cannot be registered on thesame list.∫ To register individual WMA/MP3 files1 Press [3, 4] to select “Create List” and press [1].2 Press [3, 4] to select “New item” and press [OK].3 Press [3, 4] to select the folder and press [OK].4 Press [3, 4] to select the WMA/MP3 file and press [;].A check mark is displayed. Repeat this step until you selectall necessary items.≥Press [;] again to cancel.≥The items will be copied in the order of the copying list. Ifyou want to specify the order, repeat selecting one item ata time.5 Press [OK].≥To edit the copying list (> 62)6 Press [2] to confirm.About the Gracenote ® DatabaseCopying music from a CDCDOK RETURNSELECTPlay MusicCopy MusicP O W E R E D B YCopying music from a USB memory orCD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-R DLNoteCopyDestination Capacity: 4343MBNo. Size123Cancel All TrackCopy DirectionCopy ModeCreate ListTrack/FolderStart CopyingUSB HDDMUSIC High SpeedName of itemPage 01/01Create copy list.New item (Total = 0)OKRETURN OPTION