B. Basic Features1.00 Flexible NumberingDescriptionThis system comes with a variety of services,and the feature numbers used when executingthese services can be set as required.Feature numbers can be from one to four digits,utilizing numbers “0” through “9” as well as “* ”and “#.”Directory Numbers (DN) can be three or fourdigits in length, and it is acceptable for some tohave three digits and others four digits.When three-digit DN's are used, any number canbe set as the initial digit; when four-digit DN's areused, any numbers can be set as the initial twodigits.The feature numbers are set in the “System-Numbering Plan” screens.Two default parameters sets are provided for thefeature numbers and when either is used in itsoriginal form, the Numbering Plan option in the“System-Operation” screen is set to “Fixed 1” or“Fixed 2.”In this case, the settings cannot be changed inthe “System-Numbering Plan” screen. When afeature number is to be changed, select Flex inthe “System-Operation”, Numbering Plan beforemaking the change in the “System-NumberingPlan.”ProgrammingSystem Programming ReferenceVT Dumb“System-Operation (1/3)”,Numbering Plan“System-Numbering Plan”10-C-4.0010-C-10.009-D-1.019-D-6.01to 6.09ConditionsThe followings are examples of feature numberconflicts:Examples: 2 and 21, 32 and 321, etc.Conversely, the following numbers can be usedwithout conflict:Examples: 2 and 3, 3 and 41, 41 and 42, 450and 451, etc.“* ” and “#” cannot be used for extensionnumbers (extension blocks).When “* ” and “#” are included in a featurenumber, it will not be possible to execute thecorresponding feature using a dial pulse type ofSingle Line Telephone (SLT).Only “0”, “1” to “9”, “* ” and “#” are valid forentering feature numbers into One Touch dialbuttons.When “FLASH”, “-” ,“PAUSE” and “SECRET” areincluded into feature numbers, reorder tone issent and the features cannot be executed.“#” cannot be used for the feature numbers listedbelow, for those features require “#” as adelimiter when setting the feature:“Call Forwarding-to Trunk”“Pickup Dialing Programming”“Speed Dialing-Station”The feature numbers which have been set in the“System-Numbering Plan” screens can be usedwhen dial tone is heard. However, featurenumber for “Account Code” may be used at timesother than when dial tone is heard.3-B-1