5.00 Station Hunting5.01 Station Hunting-CircularDescriptionStation Hunting provides automatic redirection ofincoming calls to an idle member of a hunt groupwhen the called extension is busy. Idle extensionsare automatically hunted in accordance with thehunting sequence set in the system program, andthe call is put through to an idle extension.The hunting sequence is set by "Extension-Station", Next Hunt Station.The group formed by this setting is called ahunting group.Busy status applies when there are no idle PDNsfor the extension and when the extension is Out ofService or in fault condition.Circular hunting is enabled when the last DN in thehunting group sets the first DN as the Next HuntStation as follows.When an incoming call cannot be put througheven after hunting all the extensions belonging tothe hunting group, busy tone is sent to the callingparty.ProgrammingConditionsExtensions can be in only one hunting group.Extensions in a UCD group cannot belong tohunting groups. Similarly, extensions in huntinggroups cannot belong to UCD groups.DN 100DN 200DN 110DN 120Incoming call: HuntingHunting Group - CircularSystem Programming ReferenceVT Dumb“Extension-Station (1/3)”,Next Hunt Station10-C-22.009-G-1.01See Section 3-B-7.03 “Uniform Call Distribution(UCD) Group” for details on UCD groups.See Section 3-D-2.05, 2.06 “Uniform CallDistribution (UCD)-without OGM/-with OGM” fordetails on the UCD function.The following calls do not receive the StationHunting treatment.• A call on the ICM button.• An incoming outside call routed via DIL 1:Nor Private CO feature.• A call on the SDN button.When the incoming destination extension is inany of the following statuses, the operation belowis accomplished.Depending on the status of the huntedextensions, the operation below is accomplishedafter hunting starts.The call forwarded to a busy extension/VoiceMail Port receives the treatment of the StationHunting if programmed.Refer to Section 3-F-10.00 “Voice ProcessingSystem (VPS)” for further information.A call redirected to another PITS extension bythe Station Hunting feature always rings on aPDN button on it even if a call is originally routedon a SCO or GCO button.StatusIdle PDNBusyFWD settingDND settingOperationIncoming call processed (callerhears ringback tone)Hunting proceeds to next stationHunting proceeds to next stationHunting proceeds to next stationStatusIdle PDNFWD settingDND settingOperationIncoming call processed (callerhears ringback tone)FWD processingDND processing3-D-20(21292)