TELEPHONE COMPANY andFCC REQUIREMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES2In compliance with the requirements of Part 68 ofthe FCC Rules and Regulations for connection ofterminal system (this device is classified asterminal system) to the telephone network andfor your convenience, the following information ispresented:1. Notification to the TelephoneCompanyCustomers connecting terminal equipment to thetelephone network shall, upon request of theTelephone Company, inform the TelephoneCompany of the particular line(s) to which suchconnection is made, the FCC registration numberand (See label on bottom of unit.) ringerequivalence number of the registered terminalequipment.The REN is useful to determine the quantity ofdevices you may connect to your telephone lineand still have all of those devices ring when yourtelephone number is called. In most, but not allareas, the sum of the REN's of all devicesconnected to one line should not exceed five(5.0). To be certain of the number of devices youmay connect to your line, as determined by theREN, your should contact your local telephonecompany to determine the maximum REN foryour calling area.2. Direct connection to A Party-line or Coin-operatedtelephone Line is Prohibited3. Incidence of Harm to TheTelephone LinesShould Terminal Equipment cause harm to theTelephone Network, the Telephone Companyshall, where practical, notify the customer thattemporary discontinuance of service may berequired. However, where prior notice is notpractical, the Telephone Company maytemporarily discontinue service forthwith, if suchaction is reasonable in the circumstances. Incase of such unnotified temporarydiscontinuance of service, the TelephoneCompany shall:(a) Promptly notify the customer of suchtemporary discontinuance of service.(b) Afford the customer the opportunity to correctthe situation which gave rise to the temporarydiscontinuance.(c) Inform the customer of the right to bring acomplaint to the Commission pursuant to theprocedures set out in Subpart E of Part 68 ofFCC Telephone Equipment Rules.4. Compatibility of TheTelephone Network andTerminal Equipment(a) Availability of telephoneinterface information.Technical information concerning interfaceparameters and specifications not specified inFCC Rules, including the number of Ringerswhich may be connected to a particulartelephone line, which is needed to permitTerminal Equipment to operate in a mannercompatible with Telephone Companycommunications facilities, shall be provided bythe Telephone Company upon customer'srequest.(b)Changes in TelephoneCompany CommunicationsFacilities, Equipment,Operations and Procedures.The Telephone Company may make changes inits communications facilities, equipment,operations or procedures, where such action isreasonably required in the operation of itsbusiness and is not inconsistent with the rulesand regulations in FCC Part 68 of the FCC Rulesand Regulations. If such changes can bereasonably expected to render any customerTerminal Equipment incompatible with TelephoneCompany Communications Facilities, or requiremodification or alteration of such TerminalEquipment, or otherwise materially affect its useor performance, the customer shall be givenadequate notice in writing, to allow the customeran opportunity to maintain uninterrupted service.