4.00 Tenant ServiceDescriptionA single system can be used as if two systemswere available.This enables the configuration of two systemswhich, in each case, are suited to a differentcustomer.Some of resources can be divided up betweenthe tenants and others are used in common.A list of resources in each classification is givenbelow.[Resources which can be divided up]• Trunk Groups• Attendant Consoles• Extensions• Direct Inward System Access (DISA)• Automatic Gain Control (AGC)• Number of Speed Dialing-System• External pagers• Doorphones• Background Music or Music on Hold• Number of Call Park-System parking zones• Number of Flexible Absent Messages• Number of possible Message Waitingentries• Passwords (Walking COS, PITS SystemProgramming)[Common resources]• Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)• Automatic Route Selection (ARS)• Numbering Plan• Remote operation control• Class of Service (COS)• Administration Device• Toll restriction tablesSystemTenant 1 Tenant 2(Customer 1) (Customer 2)To enable Tenant Service, set “System-Operation”, Tenant Service to “Yes.”“System-Tenant”, programming is used todetermine how the resources will be divided upbetween the tenants.ProgrammingConditionsThe Night Mode can be operated separately foreach tenant.Calling to extensions in the other tenant can beenabled by setting “System-Tenant”, Inter-TenantCalling to “Yes.”However, even when this function has been setto “Yes,” it is not possible to call the AttendantConsole in the other tenant.System Programming ReferenceVT Dumb“System-Operation (1/3)”,Tenant Service“System-Tenant”10-C-4.0010-C-5.009-D-1.019-D-2.003-B-7