C Making/Answering Calls20 For assistance, please visit http://www.panasonic.com/phonehelpdetails and availability of this service inyour area.Press {CALL WAIT} to answer the 2ndcall.L To switch between calls, press {CALLWAIT}.Temporary tone dialing (forrotary/pulse service users)You can temporarily switch the dialingmode to tone when you need to accesstouch tone services (for example,answering services, telephone bankingservices, etc.).Press {*} (TONE) before entering accessnumbers which require tone dialing.Clarity boosterThis feature can improve sound claritywhen the unit is used in an area wherethere may be interference. During anoutside call, this feature is turned onautomatically when necessary. You canalso turn this feature on or off manually.1 Press {MENU} during an outside call.2 To turn this feature on, select “Boosteron”.To turn this feature off, select “Boosteroff”.3 {SELECT}Note:L While this feature is turned on;– the battery operating time isshortened (page 11).– the maximum number of extensionsthat can be used at a time maydecrease.Voice enhancerThis feature clarifies the voice of theperson you are talking to, reproducing amore natural-sounding voice that is easierto hear and understand (page 48).1 Press {MENU} during an outside call.2 To turn this feature on, select “Voiceenhancer”.To turn this feature off, select “V.E.off”.3 {SELECT}Note:L Depending on the condition and qualityof your telephone line, this feature mayemphasize existing line noise. If itbecomes difficult to hear, turn thisfeature off.Using the other line during a callWhen a call is being received on the otherline during a conversation, the interrupttones sound (page 44). k or l on theunit flashes rapidly. You can answer the2nd call while holding the 1st call.You can also make a call without endingthe 1st call.Example: If you are using line 11 Press {HOLD} 2 times to put the 1stcall (line 1) on hold.2 Press {LINE2} to make or answer a2nd call.L To hold the 2nd call, press {HOLD} 2times.3 To return to the 1st call (line 1), press{LINE1}.Note:L If you subscribe to Caller ID, the 2ndcaller’s information is displayed when acall is being received on the other line(page 25).