PrintingFor assistance, please visit 57Print settingsYou can connect the unit to your computernetwork and print images to your printer. Inorder to use this feature, you must firstconfigure the following settings, andregister the unit for printing by using theMULTI TALK V Printing Utility. For softwareinstallation details, refer to the “InstallationGuide for MULTI TALK V Software”included with your base unit.Important:L Make sure that the base unit isconnected to your computer network.Selecting the IP address modeNormally you should select “Auto”. Theunit is automatically assigned a localaddress. If you need to set an IP addressmanually, select “Static”. The defaultsetting is “Auto”.Important:L You cannot use a global IP address forthe unit.Automatic setup (“Auto”)1 {MENU} (F6) i x i {SELECT}2 “Print settings” i {SELECT}3 “Network settings” i {SELECT}4 “IP address mode” i {SELECT}5 “Auto” i {SAVE} i {OFF}Setting an IP address manually(“Static”)To assign a specific IP address and subnetmask, select “Static”, then enter the IPaddress and subnet mask you wish toassign to the unit.1 {MENU} (F6) i x i {SELECT}2 “Print settings” i {SELECT}3 “Network settings” i {SELECT}4 “IP address mode” i {SELECT}5 “Static” i {SAVE}6 Enter a valid IP address and subnetmask.7 {SAVE} i {OFF}Note:L If you make a mistake when entering anIP address and subnet mask, press {^},{V}, {<}, or {>} to move the cursor, thenpress {CLEAR}. Enter the correctnumber.Setting the TCP port numberThe default setting is “8081”. Normally youdo not need to change the port numbersetting.1 {MENU} (F6) i x i {SELECT}2 “Print settings” i {SELECT}3 “Network settings” i {SELECT}4 “Set TCP port No.” i {SELECT}5 Enter the TCP port number.6 {SAVE} i {OFF}