5.5 SETTING MAILBOXESInstallation Manual 133From Mailbox Setting Menu:Enter the data using the following table as a guide.NoteThe KX-TD500 is not sold in the United Kingdom. It is only available in somecountries.Time Frame 1,2MON:TUE:WED:THU:FRI:SAT:SUN:1-12: h00-59: minAM/PM:a.m./p.m.: All DaySpace: No Use(No Use)Specifies the daily schedule for the Message WaitingNotification service for 1 week for this device.Note: These parameters are active only when "UseMode" is set to "Scheduled".Table 5-9Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/FunctionTelephoneNumber 1, 2Up to 24 digits(With the KX-TD500)orUp to 16 digits(With other KX-TDseries PBXs)(None)Specifies the telephone number to which the callers areforwarded when Remote Call Forwarding is set to anoutside (CO) line.The telephone number can contain the digits "0-9" and" ".Note: This feature is available with DPT Integrationonly.Table 5-8Parameter Value Range(Default)Description/FunctionEnter The Number : = 1Enter the Mailbox number: =Program - Mailbox Setting - Enter/Edit Menu1. Mailbox Setting2. Notification Setting3. Remote Call FWD to COEnter The Number : = 3Program - Mailbox Setting - Enter/Edit - Remote Call FWD to CO1. Telephone No.1 [ ] (0-9, )Enter the telephone No.1 : =2. Telephone No.2 [ ] (0-9, )Enter the telephone No.2 : =