D9 LIST OF MODIFIABLE PROMPTS350 Installation Manual784 To message scan, press 8 [804], [811], [793], [756], [813], [822], [760], [846],[784][804], [811], [793], [756], [822], [760], [846], [784]785 To modify message, press 5 [845], [838], [728], [835], [785], [746][845], [838], [728], [835], [785], [833], [746]786 To modify the user prompt, press 6 [699], [700], [702], [701], [718], [786], [711], [714][702], [701], [718], [786], [711], [714]787 To notify the person by pager, press 4 [787]788 To page your person, press 3 [788]789 To pause and restart recording, press2[745], [789][744], [789][789][572], [745], [789]790 To play the entire message, press 3 [810], [793], [790]791 To play the message, press 1To check the previous message,press 1 twiceTo check the next message, press 2[791]792 To play the next caller ID number,press 2[735], [792]793 To play the next message, press 2 [804], [793], [756], [813], [846], [232][804], [811], [793], [756], [813], [822], [760], [846],[784][810], [793], [790][804], [793], [756], [846], [232][804], [811], [793], [756], [822], [760], [846], [784][811], [793][793]794 To play the next schedule, press 2 [815], [794], [806], [796][794], [806], [796]795 To play the next, press 2 [735], [795]796 To play the previous schedule, press4[815], [794], [806], [796][794], [806], [796]797 To reach the covering extension,press 2[797]Table D-4PromptNo.Modifiable Prompts Linked to Prompt No. (s)