Others110VQT0V63Call the RBRC hotline on 1-800-822-8837for information.Do not allow battery terminals to comeinto contact with metal objects (such asnecklaces, hairpins etc.).• This can cause short circuiting or heatgeneration and you may be badly burnedif you touch a battery.∫ Charger• If you use the battery charger near aradio, the radio reception may bedisturbed. Keep the charger 1 m(3.28 feet) or more away from radios.• The charger may generate whirringsounds when it is being used. This is not amalfunction.• After using the charger, be sure todisconnect it from the electrical outlet. (Avery small amount of current is consumedif it is left connected.)• Keep the terminals of the charger andbattery clean.Message DisplayConfirmation messages or error messageswill be displayed on the screen in somecases.The major messages are described belowas examples.[THIS MEMORY CARD IS PROTECTED]The Write-Protect switch on the SDMemory Card is moved to [LOCK]. Movethe switch back to unlock it. (P15, 93)[NO VALID PICTURE TO PLAY]Record a picture or insert a card with arecorded picture and then play it.[THIS PICTURE IS PROTECTED]Delete or overwrite the picture aftercanceling the protect setting. (P92)[THIS PICTURE CANNOT BE DELETED]/[SOME PICTURES CANNOT BEDELETED]Pictures not based on the DCF standardcannot be deleted. If you want to deletesome pictures, format the card after savingnecessary data on a PC etc. (P97)[NO ADDITIONAL DELETE SELECTIONSCAN BE MADE]You have exceeded the number of picturesthat can be set at once with[MULTI DELETE]. Delete the selectedpictures and then select [MULTI DELETE]again to delete any remaining pictures.More than 999 favorites have been set.[CANNOT BE SET ON THIS PICTURE]/[CANNOT BE SET ON SOME PICTURES]If the pictures are not based on the DCFstandard, the DPOF print cannot be set.[MEMORY CARD ERRORFORMAT THIS CARD?]The card format cannot be recognized bythe camera. Format the card again with thecamera after saving necessary data on aPC etc. (P97)