WARNINGS AND CAUTIONSTo be observed at all timesRead the manual carefully before installing, running, maintaining or inspecting theequipment.This manual uses two safety flags to indicate different levels of danger.WARNINGIf critical situations that could lead to user’s death or serious injury are assumed bymishandling of the product:− Do not use this product in areas with inflammable gas. It could lead to anexplosion.− Exposing this product to excessive heat or open flames could cause damage tothe lithium battery or other electronic parts.− Do not store a lens in the locations subject to direct sunlight. It could cause smokegeneration.− Do not look at the sun through a lens. It could cause blindness.− Always take precautions to ensure the overall safety of your system, so that thewhole system remains safe in the event of failure of this product or other externalfactor.CAUTIONIf critical situations that could lead to user injury or only property damage areassumed by mishandling of the product:− Do not dismantle or remodel the product. It could cause excessive exothermicheat or smoke generation.− Do not touch the terminal while turning on electricity. It could lead to an electricshock.− Do not allow foreign matters such as liquid, flammable materials, metals to go intothe inside of the product. It could cause excessive exothermic heat or smokegeneration.− Do not bend the cables forcibly, place a heavy object on them or bring them closeto a thermal appliance. It could lead to an electric shock or smoke generation.− To prevent excessive exothermic heat or smoke generation, use this product atthe values less than the maximum of the characteristics and performance that areassured in these specifications.− Use the external devices for the emergency stop function and the interlock circuit.− Connect the wires or connectors securely. The loose connection could causeexcessive exothermic heat or smoke generation.− Do not undertake construction (such as connection and disconnection) while thepower supply is on. It could lead to an electric shock.